We are excited that our paper on FlyPi, a low-cost 3-D printable microscope and behavioural rig, is fresh out in PLoS Biology. Still barely scratching the surface of what is possible! Build one, improve it and reshare! #OpenSource

All documentation needed to build one is obviously included in the paper, and more info can be found on the dedicated project repositories:

  1. https://open-labware.net/projects/flypi/
  2. https://github.com/amchagas/Flypi

Chagas AM§, Prieto Godino LL, Arrenberg AB and Baden T§. The 100 Euro Lab: A 3-D Printable Open Source Platform For Fluorescence Microscopy, Optogenetics And Accurate Temperature Control During Behaviour Of Zebrafish, Drosophila And C. elegans. PLoS Biology. direct link. (bioRxiv version). pdf.

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